finalistenTwelve films have been chosen by the audience for the finals and will be in competition for the ContraVision Awards on Sunday, 15th of September.


The ContraVision Awards Program


"the last border" by daniel butterworth

"point of no return" by stephanie olthoff

"sweet sea breeze" by stefan siebert & thomas hessmann

"the apple of my eye" by josecho de linares




"the man who ate dumplings" by josé pablo estrada torrescano

"how i killed rabin" by michael alalu

"little che" by leonie kurz

"luminaris" by juan pablo zaramella




"death chase" by angel gomez hernandez

"surveillance state - what is that?" by manniac

"schmidt's katze" by felix knoche

"kinoki" by léo favier, schroeter&berger


Sunday, September 15th

6:00pm - 11:30pm

Wabe Berlin, Danziger Straße 101, 10405 Berlin

ticket: 8 Euro



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